Bible St. Huamalíes Quechua

by SIL AmArea

Books & Reference


75 Topical Bible studies in Huamalíes-Dos de Mayo Quechua, Huánuco, Peru [qvh]As the apostle Paul says in his second letter to Timothy, the Holy Scriptures are important and necessary for our lives. But, the reality is that for the Quechua speaker there are few materials to help him learn and apply what the Word of God says. For this reason we present this series of topical Bible studies in Quechua.The studies are designed to present to the believer in Jesus important topics for his or her life of discipleship. Each teaching point is introduced with a question. The answer is found in the following Bible text. Often, the answer is underlined in the text. At the end of each study there is a memory verse and a suggestion for how to apply what has been learned to ones life. The material can be studied in a group or individually.The studies are in eleven books, each of which contain up to nine studies. Following is a list of topics included in each book:Book 1: sin, salvation, forgiveness, obedience, prayer, the Word of God, evangelismBook 2: the attributes of God, the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the second coming of ChristBook 3: love, servanthood, faith, suffering, spiritual gifts, fellowship, baptismBook 4: sickness, healing, death, judgment, hell, the new heavens and new earthBook 5: angels, Satan and demons, spiritual warfare, judging others, witchcraft and magicBook 6: Adam and Eve, the covenant with Abraham, the Law of Moses, the Sinaitic covenantBook 7: the annual feasts, the Davidic covenant, the new covenant, Jesus teaching about the law, Pauls teaching about the lawBook 8: fasting, the Lords Supper, riches, tithes, offerings, elders, deacons, church disciplineBook 9: marriage, spousal roles, living with your spouse, sexual sin, raising children, divorceBook 10: the tabernacle, the temple, the destruction of the temple, the temple and the New TestamentBook 11: discipleship, the fear of God, loving God, knowing God, union with Christ, the Kingdom of GodIt is our desire that this series of Bible studies equip the Quechua speaker to be prepared for every good work and to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of all people groups on earth.